Expedition 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012 @ 6:15 PM

Sorry that I didn’t keep my promise, but yeah, I rarely use switch on my laptop or computer nowadays unless there’s anything I need to do. And I won’t be having photos in this post as I’m lazy to upload them. Anyway, I’ll just briefly talk about life from Friday till Sunday as I still got lessons going on later….. Its god damn holiday man, yet we still have lessons on going, but thank god it’s only one day. <:

So Friday we had teachers’ day celebration, I won’t say it’s totally boring, but at least it’s much more interesting and exciting than the past two years. Met up with my girls and had Mac breakfast at Fajar with them. Games followed by hall programmes. That’s what I meant by brief lol. Okay, whatever, but thanks for all the well-wishes, birthday gifts and all yeah? Effort appreciated. <: But was just kind of disappointed that someone didn’t even remembered huh, thanks so much, you were the one that told me you wouldn’t forget. But forget it; I won’t let it affect me.

Expedition camp afterwards, and was so effing pissed with the change in time. I mean like seriously, spare a thought for those who had planned their time for events and meetings already and you freaking change in last min. Eff you seriously. YOU ARE SO IRRITATING.  -______- Anyway all along I don’t have any effing good impression about you, you’re making it worse. Anyway, had lunch with my two girls and they can’t teasing me. Okay can. HAHAHA.

Thank God Roy and Lorenz were in the same group as me, was much closer with them during camp especially Roy. <: My group was awesome with those sec1s, so in love with them! And I was kind of irritated by 2 of them lol, at first I mean. They said I got weird attitude. I was like zzzz, hahaha, at the end we bonded well, and one of them said he take back his words. So damn cute please!!!!! Chatted with Roy about Fajar sec and BBGB in the past! Thank God all of them survive through this walk, they’re wonderful. :’) And we’re the 2nd/3rd group team that completed all the checkpoints. :’) But I was mad tired!! Reached Fajar sec, bathed, and sleep wherever there’s place for me. -_-

And was really piss at some point of time that I can blow out, I swear. Don’t know they got mood swings or what seriously. -_- I RATHER SLEEP THAN EAT, IS YOUR FORCE US TO EAT STILL TALK SO MUCH. NB. JUST SHUTUP MAN, SERIOUSLY. Sorry if I look attitude when Roy and Lorenz asked me for the plastic bag, I don’t mean it. Anyway, break camp and left school with Candis. Wanted to take cab home, thus I had to walk to bpp. -_- In the end long queue, so I just head to star bucks, bought my drink and went home via bus. <:  

Slept for 20 over hours after I've reached home! Sorry for all the late replies and etc. 
Had to end here as I've to prepare for school already.

Saturday, August 18, 2012 @ 7:12 AM

I think I should blog for at least once or twice a week if possible. Had thought of writing dairy instead of blogging because I’ve got really loads of feelings to write about but I just can’t share it here, >: Hmm, shall reconsider again, but during this period of time, I think I should just blog. <:

August hadn’t been as good as I first thought it will. >: Depressed mood on for almost ¾ the month, and the worst thing is I’m not even looking forward to my birthday, feel like no one will give a single shit about it either, so… I’m not having much hope either. (‘: I guess really flung my examinations. And as usual, I made my parents disappointed again, what’s with me this month, I really don’t know what I’ve been thinking and feeling.

I seriously got many untold feelings inside right now, but I got no freaking idea how to start or even describe the feeling, feel really suffocated at times that I just feel like breaking down, even in the public. I just don’t know why I become so emotional these days, I think I really need to control myself, hais. But after going through all these, I found true friends which made me glad eh? <:  Still remember once when my mom talked to me, and I tweeted if anyone text me at that point of time, and my girls really did. Bunch of awesome people. 
Told Manting loads of things especially, I swear I really feel so much better, and then we’ve been continuing this conversation for days! We chatted about family, friends and loads of crap. Thanks. <: My sec3 life was really a tough journey, and I seriously think that my attitude becoming more and more suckish, need to change heh. <: Anyway I’ve dyed my hair back to black again, sucks, black looks really ugly. Even I myself cannot even stand it, wts. So, my aunt helped me to dye back, and she said that the teacher should just go and die, because my color isn’t obvious at all. Hilarious moment. And I need my hair treatment soon because my hair condition really sucks now. >:

Will try to blog soon again! I just want to end here because I feel like sleeping. Hehe. I know it’s still early, but whatever. My sleep is just important to me. ^^


Sunday, July 8, 2012 @ 6:48 AM

Okay. Sorry for not blogging for such a long time. School reopens and we’re getting busier and busier each week as exam is coming soon again. The feeling when you know exam is approaching once again and time do flies. And I seriously feel that I won’t do well for this term, praying very hard that I can at least pass all for now, and I promise I would do my best for the end of the year examination.

Okay, so went out if my dearest clique on Youth day. I know it’s been a long time, but yeah, I finally found time to blog about it. I woke up early because I got appointment with the salon to highlight my hair, <: hehe. So in love with the color, wait till o’s over, I will dye to the brown. Hehe. <: So I manage to reach home on time to bathe and sleep for a while before I leave house to meet my dearest at lot1. <:

The guys really went overboard, meeting time was 2pm, and they reached at 3pm. They still got the cheek to smile, laugh and even tried to pangseh us. WHAT KIND OF GUYS IS THIS? Plan was to kbox, we were asked to wait for 10mins, and then they told us we had to wait till 5pm again. So Zhengying suggested that we go arcade and we played ddr. <:  Okay la, is quite epic, but we had a lot of fun together.

We went to the kbox at around 4:45 and the worst thing is that they say we don’t have bookings and we had to wait till 7pm again. So we change our plans, they wanted to go bowling at HometeamNS. <: Went to CCK interchange to take 188, reached there at about 5plus? We played 2 rounds, and compared to the previous trip I went, I IMPROVED QUITE A LOT OKAY. Hehe, really proud of myself. :P

We had to leave at 6:45 because chew and I had agreed to meet Gwen and Melissa for dinner. They were rather early and we’re late, but it’s okay. Hehe. So we settled our dinner at Pastamania, and there’s scratch and win at the point of time, bought with Melissa and we got it. Both of us thought it’s nothing much, in the end we got 15% off the next time we visit Pastamania again. HAHAHA. Buttttttttt, both of us still feels that it’s useless, and both of us were reluctant to keep it. In the end, she insisted that I keep it.

After dinner, we went to tour around lot1 for a while, and headed home afterwards. Youth day was really well-spent I guess? With my dearest clique and girlfriends. <: heh, really need to thank them for such a memorable and awesome day. If they didn’t ask me out, I would’ve rot at home with my books.

Hehe, Park bom is really pretty, i swear. She probably went through plastic surgery in the past, but whatever it is, she really become more and more pretty, and i'm so in love with her voice as well. Hehe. 
Really can't stop playing the song lonely by 2NE1. ): Cause that's how i really feel now.. 


What is love.
Thursday, June 21, 2012 @ 6:24 AM

Finally can blog again, managed to squeeze time from my busy schedule. Actually wanted to blog about GB chalet or the Korean bbq I got with my clique, but there’s something that has been bothering me yesterday and now, so just want to share about it. I hate bottling up stuffs, and make myself feel suffocated. I never fail to do that okay. If you don’t like lengthy post, please don’t read okay. >:

Most of the time I’ve been wondering what is true love, and why does love hurts so much. How would you define love? Is there really love at first sight? Is there anybody that likes two people at a time, not two-timer, but yeah.  I’m seriously confused by all these rubbish. I’m sure a lot people tend to think or worry a lot because of love issues. I admit I’m one of them okay, and I really don’t mean it, but that’s just me. When I’m looking back at the past now, I would just wonder why did I even be in a relationship, or was it just an immature decision.

I really learn numerous stuffs in one of the relationship I have been through. In the past, I was merely an ignorant girl that gets jealous easily, gets angry at the smallest thing, someone who is really possessive, one that can’t afford to lose anything, and I feel totally like a bitch now. I mean it. I didn’t know I hurt the person I loved so deeply, I tried to salvage this relationship but effort was futile. This really made me learn, and I managed to let go of him.

Love is patient and kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. Love enables us to keep on moving, serve as a motivation in every aspect of our life. Love should be experienced and not just felt. Love between two people can’t be measured, it is unconditionally.  Love is inherently free, it cannot be bought, sold or traded. You cannot make someone love you, nor can you prevent it, for any amount of money. If its true love, you will just love the person as a whole, you won’t judge him or her, you will just give in your best, you will completely love that person despite the hurt caused. This is what I feel, not everyone will feel this way. Everyone have their own thinking, but this is love for me. <:

I just viewed a friend’s blog who talked about the past, about his love life. And what now? He’s confused with who he truly likes and who he truly wants to be with. I’ve been through it okay, and I swear the feeling isn’t good. It’s not that I want to be indecisive, but I just couldn’t make up my mind, until this point of time. I guess I really need to clear up everything in my mind now, and just focus on my studies. So, I shall just stop talking about this topic.

The world may drag you down a thousand times, but God will always be there to life you up a thousand times.


Your love is where I am falling♥
Saturday, June 16, 2012 @ 4:50 AM

Okay, sorry for not blogging for so long, was rather busy the past one week, so I’m back again. I’m going to blog about Malaysia trip first, but I only got photos all about food and items I’ve bought. Those pictures of my cousins and relatives are not with me, but I’ll get them as soon as possible yeah. <:  

So my grandmother and aunt booked the ticket for the coach for Sunday morning, so I had to return home on Saturday night from chalet. Even though I was tired, I still slept at 12 in the morning, and I had to wake up at 5 in the morning. Okay, so I went to meet my grandmother at 545am in the morning, and I could barely open my eyes, so I didn’t manage to wear my contact lens. The bus ride was about 7hours I think, slept for at least 4 to 5 hours. Seriously hated it when the bus travel uphill, feel giddy headache and also the urge to vomit though I didn’t had any breakfast in the morning.

Hmm, so we reached Malaysia at around 1 and we got our lunch at one of the restaurant we used to dine in the past when we go. <: Okay, the bill was like shocking laaaaaa. RM$459. I feel like a pig after lunch, I feel even more tired, so decided to ask my parents and aunt to check in the hotel first. Hehe, we’ll be staying at Resort world hotel. Slack in the room for 15mins and we have to go out again, what is this. Okay, so they decided to travel downhill via cable cars to go visit the strawberry farm and the main purpose is to buy durians. -_-

Strawberry covered with chocolate. <: 

Chocolates from one of the chocolate shop. <: 

I mean, you travel downhill to buy durians and it stinks seriously. And the worst thing is that they’re going to bring it back to the hotel and they asked me for my perfume to cover the freaking durian smell. So, the adults ate the durians in the room, and we went to my cousins’ room to party and fool around like nobody business. <:

Daddy and uncle went down to first world plaza to buy pizza hut for our dinner. So we bought 2 12inches pizza, 20chicken wings, 1mushroom soup, baked chicken balls, 2 packet criss-cross fries for 6 children, while the adults had some other food. All the food was brought back to hotel, and all in my cousins’ room. Okay, family shopping at first world plaza after that. <: This is just first day and is so lengthy, shall just summarize the next 3days! <:

I woke up the latest in my family the next morning, hehe. The people staying beside and opposite us are overboard that I almost went out and scold them. It’s really not my fault this time. They shouted and banged the doors at 6plus in the morning and 10plus in the night. They should be more considerate right, people may be already asleep or doing their stuffs and they are treating the hotel like their own house. Okay, shall just stop ranting about them, they just make my blood boil now. So went to Uncle Peter’s coffee shop for breakfast, ate minced meat noodle, and was awesome, enjoyed my meal a lot. <:

The children went to first world plaza after that to buy the tickets for indoor and outdoor theme park. The queue for the tickets was rather long, had to wait like 20mins before it’s our turn. We managed to play most of the rides there. <: All of us wanted to play the space shot, but chickened out at last. -_- Anyway, I like to spinner and the pirate ship. <: So, lunched at our usual restaurant again, and I’ve got my drink at coffee bean. <: And we went back to the hotel to slack again, slept for another 1 hour. Hehe. <: We went to outdoor theme park again, then indoor one. I only played the Euro express in the indoor theme park, it’s like roller coaster, but somehow like kids one. -_- Finally had our dinner at about 7 at Uncle Peter’s coffee shop, had an awesome dinner there. <: After that went to one of the most famous herbal drink shop, and back to hotel. That’s more or less about the second day. <:

For the third day, we’ve got our breakfast in the hotel as well; aunt went down to buy roti prata. <: Then we took cable down downhill again to KL, and we shopped at One Utama, bought lots of stuffs there. <: And I manage to buy one Japan branded pouch!! <: The sticky there were so damn cheap! One big bottle for like only RM$14, so my aunt bought 2bottles or 3. <: Head back to Genting Highland after that. <: Had dinner inside hotel room again, obviously not our room. My cousins never fail to turn our room upside down. Headed down to first world plaza to shop again, still manage to buy stuffs. <: On my way back, I bought coffee bean again, hehe. And daddy went to casino with my aunt and grandmother.

Mango mochi. <: 

I woke up the last every single day. -_- Including the last day. So I went to Old town white coffee to have breakfast with my mom, while the rest went to the shop opposite ours. <: I kept saying I’m full but I ate a lot. HAHAHAHA. After breakfast, we went back to hotel, and I slept again. So we managed to pack our luggage and all at around 1115am, and we travel down to bus terminal, <: My brother and me was like complaining the air-con was not cold, ‘很热,很像在 bbq leh’ -_- The coach got TV!!! <: Watched a show named ‘Petaling Street Warriors’ Recommended is super awesome and nice. <:

Nasi lemak from Old town. <: 

Egg tart from YongPing. <: 

Items bought for myself. <: double love. <3

So we reached Singapore at around 745. <: 
Shall stop here. Will blog about chalet soon! :D 


Laugh like you'll never get a chance.
Saturday, June 2, 2012 @ 5:20 AM

Hello everyone. Okay, I chose to blog today because I feel that I learn quite a few things that I never thought I will. So yeah, just to share a bit about what happen. <:

So, we’ve got parade today, and during our CE class, we suddenly start gossiping. And yeah, we talked about relationship and one of the couple we know, and we’re all like ‘EEEEEE!’ including me about all the postings that was made on facebook. Okay, is like, just because we don’t have good impression about the guy then we just judge them, saying ‘SERIOUSLY? ARE YOU KIDDING?’ or something like that. Actually that didn’t bother me, but when I’m on my way home, thoughts just suddenly flashed through my mind.

And I thought why must we judge the couple when we don’t even know the two of them well, like we’re not even close friends with them, and just because the guy likes to act gangster or act cool, the girl is bitchy, so we judged? But the fact is, we’ve never been through what they have been through, we got no rights to judge them based on what happen, most importantly, we’re not mature enough to think carefully before we say anything that might just hurt others without us knowing. And I’m sure all of us know the feeling of being judged right? It doesn’t feel good yeah? So, this is the first thing I learnt today, and I promise here that I won’t judge anymore unless I been through what they’ve been through. <:


Secondly, it’s something that’s related to friendship? Your friends are not obliged to be with you as and when you want, but if they do, you ought to cherish them. Because only true friends go through heart pains with you, sad when you are sad, happy when you are happy, chill you when you are angry, and when you’ve got a break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, they are there for you, I’m sure not many people in this would got such friends right? Then the more you should cherish them, like you’ll never get to know them the next life again!

Whenever you give them attitude, you got to think before you do, don’t regret after that. Sometimes, sorry mean nothing anymore if it happens too many times with the same friend. I’ve got one of my worse mood swings recently, and I just attitude two of my friends just now. They’ve been through quite a lot with me, yet this is what I gave them, so I’m quite guilty about what I’ve done and apologized. So yeah, second thing I’ve learn. <:


That’s all! So can I just rant a bit about something I saw at bugis junction? So, we wanted to go to the toilet. We’re all shocked that the queue was so freaking long, is like all the way out. I think we waited for at least 10mins or even more, which make me feel impatient and irritated. And you mean seriously? We are urgent and we need to wait for so long? There’s 6cubicles, you mean you lay eggs inside the toilet or have you fallen asleep in the toilet? OR the toilet smells so freaking nice that you don’t want to get out!? And when the aunties in front knock on your door, you come out giving black face, what’s the freaking problem with you? You lay eggs in the toilet and you still dare to give attitude? You go toilet for 10mins. WOW, do you need an award? You fallen inside the toilet bowl or stuck inside the toilet miss? OHOHOH, YOU GOT CONSTIPATION!? I guess so. -_-

Okay, shall stop ranting anymore. The point of this story is that everybody is rushing for time; please don’t take your own sweet time, if you want people to talk to you nicely, please be automatic, don’t just because people say something about you, and you act like they got no rights.  

Ending here, bye people. <: 


You're unique♥
Friday, June 1, 2012 @ 4:12 AM

If you don’t like to read lengthy post, then please skip this yeah.

Okay, so I manage to blog again today.  Seriously wasn’t really in a good mood these few days.  And I really got real angry. It’s totally not related to my anger management problem okay, is just people around me are getting worse and worse in terms of attitude and character. Okay, not only people around me, but also most Singaporeans are becoming more rude, lack of manners?

I shall just briefly say something that had happened recently. When I’m queuing or lining up to purchase stuffs or something, people would just cut queue, and freaking act like they were right and this is what they should do, I mean like seriously? Then wow, you’ve got good manners. -_- Your get what I mean now? Singaporeans are becoming ruder, especially aunties, that think that they are older, we are younger, and we should let them, and so what rubbish is this? -__- And so what if I give attitude? It doesn’t mean that my attitude sucks okay, you’re at fault for goodness sake; don’t make it seem like mine. -_-

Okay, shall stop ranting about the same thing. Next, I also realized that people in this world are getting more and more judgmental. I mean like why judge when you aren’t as perfect? No one is perfect I suppose? And the more perfect someone is, the more fake he or she is? I don’t mean anything bad, but it seems true to me? I admit I do judge sometimes, I’m not perfect as well, but at least I don’t go round telling everyone right? -_- But some people just got real big mouth and like to talk so much about other people, scolding other people two-faced when they are the two-faced. I mean seriously? You act friendly in front of them, and you backstab them? You know you’re making a fool of yourself?

To those who are being judged for no reason, ignore those who judge you, because you can never please everyone in this world that doesn’t like you. You just need to be yourself, don’t need to change for anyone sake, in this world, there’s no one you need to change for, you are you. You are the unique one; don’t let any negative comments drag you down. If your friends are true, they will accept your flaws, and not dislike your flaws, and go around bitching about it. I don’t mean to shoot anyone here, but I’m just stating my point of views about friends and judging.

And lastly, everyone got their freedom of speech; you don’t give stupid or dumb comments. I mean if you got a lot comments about what so and so had posted or what, at least keep it to yourself and jolly well keep your mouth shut because no one is asking you for your comments. I mean it. And if you’re the one who is copying and still got the cheek to comment, you’re worse. You don’t even feel guilty, and in fact you’re so thick-skinned. -_- 

I shall end here, will blog as soon as possible yeah. <:

I miss my china friends real lot. >: Hope to see them soon, and i'll hope the best for them here. <: 



Hot-tempered, I'll treat you the way you treat me.
Don't like people that judge without knowing.